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Thursday, November 22, 2012

this post is not a review, boohoo!

I know I promised last week that I'll have a review post (food, glorious food post!) up within that week and I wasn't able to. I don't wanna give excuses but my parents were here! Gotta spend quality time with them instead of parking myself in front the laptop and typing the time away ;-) They went home today so I'm back in business! Hopefully I can get a post up this week, 2-3 posts even. Hey, you gotta aim high right?! Heehee! Here's a teaser photo, a clue of what's my first Ortigas review post is all about:

Review post is now live at Sushi-Ya in SM Megamall <-- go click!

Laters baby,
Ortigas Mommy ;-)


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